Thursday, January 10, 2013

Third Crusade

This crusade last from 1182-1192 and when in the beginning, three of Europe's finest conquerors led it, King Richard, Frederick Barbarossa and King Philip. Obviously, there must have been some intimidation, but things took a turn for the worse for the three rulers. Before even arriving, Frederick Barbarossa fell off of his horse in a river and drowned causing much of his troops to feel discouraged because elf the loss of their leader and head home. King Philip and King Richard always butted heads back and forth for a whole until Philip decided after capturing Acre, he was done. And then there was one, Richard headed to the Holy Land looking to conquer. Saladin, who then was the ruler of Jerusalem was just a good guy. He wanted to sit down and talk and work it out, at first Richard would not. Richard feel to a fever and Saladin have him fruits and supplies, once Richard decided to talk it out, they both decided Christians nor anyone should be taxed to visit the Holy Land and King Richard returned home. The Muslims were much more willing to talk it out with the Christians and were much more reasonable because they valued the Holy Land and wanted to preserve it.

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