Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Homework Jan 30th

Ibn and Marco are not typical of people during their time period because of the extensive travels that they went on. They traveled all over the Europe, Asia and Africa and that was practically unheard of during their time. Many commoners could not afford such expensive travels and therefore few made such distant journeys. They would be much more typical of this time period because they covered so much area of land and ocean, which is much more accessible and easier to do these days. Marine traveling is much easier now as opposed to the past when it was long and extensive and also costly.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Works Cited for Crusades Project

Alchin, L.K. "The Third Crusade." . N.p., 10/2012. Web. 10 Jan 2013. .

Halsall, Paul. Fordham. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Jan 2013. .

Halsall, Paul . "Medieval Sourcebook: Philip de Novare: Les Gestes des Ciprois, The Crusade of Frederick II, 1228-29 ." . Fordham University, 12/1997. Web. 10 Jan 2013. .

Rickard, J. "Sixth Crusade, 1228-1229." . N.p., 24/03/2001. Web. 10 Jan 2013. .

And a special thanks to the app- meme generator

Third Crusade

This crusade last from 1182-1192 and when in the beginning, three of Europe's finest conquerors led it, King Richard, Frederick Barbarossa and King Philip. Obviously, there must have been some intimidation, but things took a turn for the worse for the three rulers. Before even arriving, Frederick Barbarossa fell off of his horse in a river and drowned causing much of his troops to feel discouraged because elf the loss of their leader and head home. King Philip and King Richard always butted heads back and forth for a whole until Philip decided after capturing Acre, he was done. And then there was one, Richard headed to the Holy Land looking to conquer. Saladin, who then was the ruler of Jerusalem was just a good guy. He wanted to sit down and talk and work it out, at first Richard would not. Richard feel to a fever and Saladin have him fruits and supplies, once Richard decided to talk it out, they both decided Christians nor anyone should be taxed to visit the Holy Land and King Richard returned home. The Muslims were much more willing to talk it out with the Christians and were much more reasonable because they valued the Holy Land and wanted to preserve it.

Child Crusade

Poor,poor choice for the youth. A group of children, ranging from 4 to 18 decided that they were going to the holy land and tack back what was theirs. This was horribly put together and more was along the lines of a occupy Wall Street gathering. Many of the children realized that they missed their mothers and wanted to go home but it was too late, unfortunately they where kidnapped on the way back and sold into slavery or vanished. For the brave that did truck on a little further, once arriving at the Mediterranean Sea they realized they needed a boat. Thousands of kids went on this "conquest" scarcely any came back. Could not imagine anything other than laughs by the Muslims for this "crusade".

I do not take credit for the one that says on it, but thought it should be included

The Peace Crusade

The peace crusade was a change of heart for the crusaders. After all the fighting they caused, they thought, maybe should just ask? Frederick II, who was recently excommunicated for failing to follow a former popes wishes about his crusades,decided to change it up to get on the popes good side again. Frederick II decided instead of using an army, why not reason? When he came to terms with the others leaders in Jerusalem, they signed a treaty saying that Christians could enter the city, but nothing could be changed or renovated. Frederick crowned himself king and a astounding 19 people showed up to his ceremony. A lot easier than actually thought to be able to share the holy land. Muslims must have been like "wow they finally just realized all they had to do was ask nicely".

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Project for Crusades

Today was spent deciding what to do and I decided that memes was the best idea for this, forming ideas and making them over the next two days.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Map of Africa and Revised Map of Africa

The textbook company left out the details from the reading for a number of reasons. One reason is that the they assume that you would have already understood it from the reading excerpts in the book. Another reason is that it would be too costly for them to add more than the maps they they believe is necessary. The map would also look very messy and squished together if they tried to fit to much information on there and it would be unclear to read. The impact of the additions to me is new ideas and new areas of focuses. To have a key with the time periods of each kingdoms helps because it gives a drawn visual of where it was, and I believe that's the better way to learn it. I believe more detailed maps would be absorbed into my brain easier and would all around be a much better way to learn both the culture and geography features.

Map of Africa

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My Story

When I die I would want to be remembered through song and ceremonies like the African griots. I would want this because they value much more of who a person is, rather than the "important" things they achieved in their life. Also it would be much easier to spread my fame and myself through song because it is easy to remember and many people could remember it and preform their own ceremonies. The most important reason why I would want to be remembered through song is because it would be so much more real and much more meaning behind it and people would understand and picture as opposed to skimming through a book like most do.