Thursday, October 18, 2012

Divorce and Marriage for women in Ancient Rome

Divorce for women in Ancient Rome was actually somewhat equal. Though there was very harsh crimes for very bad actions, it was not as one sided as I thought it would be if a man initiated the divorce, he would have to return the dowry in full. The society is not as patriachral as I thought it would be. Marriage was much more different however, marriage was looked at for love, but to produce men to inherit everything of their fathers. Marriage did need e support of both families but was much more geared towards men, and woman were basiclally there to birth the child and raise them. I think this is a horrible way for women to live, but at the time this is what Romans looked at as most efficient. From judging as a neutral opinion, it makes sense for woman to fill these roles and birth the child. This isn't right to me and the heavy amount of sexism against women. This impacts my tophoughts because it shows how Rome undervalues human lives such as women and only look for them to raise the inheritor of the fathers possessions.

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