Thursday, October 4, 2012

Alexander the Great: election 2012

As rough as these past few months have been with our rather weak candidates, I would still take either of them and maybe even Santorum over Alexander the Great. Alexander the Great was obsessive over expanding his Empire because he felt he needed to expand to prove something to his father. Alexander was a violent man who didn't really value human life, Alexander also just conquered everywhere he traveled, not matter what. If you where to put him into context today, he would be a crazy right winged man that would want to expand land. He also was bisexual so you can't really call him right winged so I would describe as a much more militaristic man, than conservative. Never the less, he was also crazy in thinking he was the son of the god Zeus, the oracle people probably had swords to their heads as he demanded if he was the son of Zeus or not, I don't not think Alexander the Great would be a good fit into this current election and he would probably get less votes than if Sarah Palin ran for the tea party.

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