Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Post classical era excerpt

I expect the post classical era to be about the restoration of political and social order. The post classical era is a time of healing from the mess that was made towards the end of the classical era. Also I believe it is going to be about making new connections with different countries and different empires rising with new social standards. I believe much is going to change socially but some history tend to repeat itself too so some empires will make the same mistakes others did in the past.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Da Qin

If I were an imperial emperor and I were to receive this information about Rome, I think these could be good friends for many reasons. They are great trading partners, we give them silk they give us gold and fine linen. They have many other goods that almost anybody in our country would buy.Also we could maybe adopt the idea of a temporary dictator to step up in a time of crisis. However, they seem to give a lot of people a extent of power and I don't want that. Incan definitely see us being trade partners and maybe even adopting little parts of the culture but I refuse to give people I don't know or trust power.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Map of Silk Road

My map of the silk road on the ipad isn't really my best work. I had a tough time with the app show me to begin with let alone the fact I didn't even have a stylus. I had a tough time spelling the roads on the ipad and writing was difficult because my hands are way to big. The map did help me understand it,though it may not look that good, the process in creating the map was able to help me understand the route if the Silk Road more.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Divorce and Marriage for women in Ancient Rome

Divorce for women in Ancient Rome was actually somewhat equal. Though there was very harsh crimes for very bad actions, it was not as one sided as I thought it would be if a man initiated the divorce, he would have to return the dowry in full. The society is not as patriachral as I thought it would be. Marriage was much more different however, marriage was looked at for love, but to produce men to inherit everything of their fathers. Marriage did need e support of both families but was much more geared towards men, and woman were basiclally there to birth the child and raise them. I think this is a horrible way for women to live, but at the time this is what Romans looked at as most efficient. From judging as a neutral opinion, it makes sense for woman to fill these roles and birth the child. This isn't right to me and the heavy amount of sexism against women. This impacts my tophoughts because it shows how Rome undervalues human lives such as women and only look for them to raise the inheritor of the fathers possessions.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Roman Republic to Empire Narrative

The way Romans transitioned from a republic to an empire by setting important guidelines. First they set very strict laws for citizens to follow and then they also made more laws,which the makers of seemed to be above. Then they extended their borders of the empire. Also economy played an important role and aristocrats had much power, and once Caesar does Augustus took over and continued the legacy. The transition from a republic to an empire for Rome truly established a significant mark in history.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Week three

This week we have focused much more on the economy and how both china and the United States have affected the other global economy. I was pretty interested in this because I enjoy seeing on how important superpowers are in stabilizing the governments all around the world including the global economy.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Alexander the Great: election 2012

As rough as these past few months have been with our rather weak candidates, I would still take either of them and maybe even Santorum over Alexander the Great. Alexander the Great was obsessive over expanding his Empire because he felt he needed to expand to prove something to his father. Alexander was a violent man who didn't really value human life, Alexander also just conquered everywhere he traveled, not matter what. If you where to put him into context today, he would be a crazy right winged man that would want to expand land. He also was bisexual so you can't really call him right winged so I would describe as a much more militaristic man, than conservative. Never the less, he was also crazy in thinking he was the son of the god Zeus, the oracle people probably had swords to their heads as he demanded if he was the son of Zeus or not, I don't not think Alexander the Great would be a good fit into this current election and he would probably get less votes than if Sarah Palin ran for the tea party.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

King Abdullah II of Jordan

King Abdullah II of Jordan is doing the right thing with a slower transition to democracy simply because it goes from no voicing your opinion to protesting. Look at America, since we had occupy Wall Street some people took months off from work in order to protest. With everything that has been going on lately in the Middle East, the protests would be much more violent.King Abdullah II of Jordan was very wise to do this because he understands its what the country wants, but you can't bite off more than you can chew. I think King Abdullah II of Jordan will succeed with what he is doing because if he keeps people happy and little conflict, many people will be happy and will not cause trouble.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Democracy, good idea or no?

The way that democracy was described today in class made me think much more about democracy. There is a reason that we vote for qualified candidates to be our leaders, all people really don't know how to make important decisions when backed into a corner. Democracy as we described in class today would be a rather dumb idea for a large society because there would be to many conflicting opinions and this could lead to forming violent riots or even small armies against each other. People deserve to be given a right to choose how to live, but too much freedom and choice would basically lead to anarchy because democracy is essentially, "for the people by the people".