Sunday, September 16, 2012

Confucian Analects

In this belief, there is more of a guideline than rules, and free will is also given.A lot of the passage start with "if" instead of "do". I do believe this a religion, because there is a guideline to follow and also talks about the spirit. It also talks about the rewards of sacrifice and how sacrificing your soul would be flattery. This book believes in that everyone is born neutral, from book 8 chapter two when it says, respectfulness without the rules of propriety becomes laborious bustle. Also many of the book titles start with the word "if", which shows that we have been given free will and we can make the choice to do whatever we want. Also chapter 6 of book 1 talks about how you should respect your parents,but you do not have to. This religion gives free and you decide whether to be a good or bad person, it is not predetermined.

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