Monday, September 10, 2012

Comments For History Head

Nick <333333! The poster looks great! I really like the explanation of the internal and external pictures, really helps with the understanding of the poster. The one issue that I have is the timeline, perhaps there could have been more information on it, such as events that took place during the time period? Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia are very similar because they both lived off of fertile land with the rivers that surrounded them. They differed because religion played a huge role in Egypt, while Hammurabi codes were much more important in Mesopotamia. What important events took place during the ruling of Hammurabi? Love Mike Ackerman Tim!, whats up? I really like the pictures you used for your project, they really made sense and I was able to make the connections. The key was a little sloppy but it is not a big deal. Egypt is similar to Mesoamerica because of the structure of the social classes with rulers at the top. They differ because of the lack of migration the Egyptians had and also the products they made. I would also to have loved to know more about the rulers of the Mesoamericans. From Mike Ackerman

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