Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sources from the past 223

This story might have appealed to early Buddhist because of the story of the caste. Yasas really cares about the castes even within monks of the Buddhist religion. Ashoka was very angry about this because you were supposed to not care about castes and only about loving each other. This appealed to many early Buddhist because much of them were from lower class and enjoyed the idea of not having your life and lifestyle automatically characterized because of what people you are born into.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Ancient China vs India political systems

The ancient Chinese and Indians both had different political systems. India was unified for a while, while ancient China had many problems with unifying a broke up into almost state like regions. The ancient Indians established a series of small kingdoms over the whole land, which helped in keeping India unified. Both the Chinese and Indians looked to conquer and constantly expand their boundaries. For the ancient Indians, Ashoka set important polices in Indian which soon collapsed after his death and this is when India turned to local rulers controlling small regions of India themselves.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Xun Zi and Mencius Beliefs

Xun Zi believes human nature is bad, he explains that human nature needs to be corrected by punishment. He believes most people are born bad, and very few people are born good. He believes that you can change, but it has to be cemented in through physical torture. Menicus on the other hand, believes in human nature and free will. Menicus believes you can make whatever choices you would like and stand for them. I would go with Menicus as a citizens because freewill is very important and I strongly believe in it.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Confucian Analects

In this belief, there is more of a guideline than rules, and free will is also given.A lot of the passage start with "if" instead of "do". I do believe this a religion, because there is a guideline to follow and also talks about the spirit. It also talks about the rewards of sacrifice and how sacrificing your soul would be flattery. This book believes in that everyone is born neutral, from book 8 chapter two when it says, respectfulness without the rules of propriety becomes laborious bustle. Also many of the book titles start with the word "if", which shows that we have been given free will and we can make the choice to do whatever we want. Also chapter 6 of book 1 talks about how you should respect your parents,but you do not have to. This religion gives free and you decide whether to be a good or bad person, it is not predetermined.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sources from the Past Page 176

Zarathustra makes the assumption of human nature that there will always be a balance of good and evil. The twin spirits really talk about good and evil, maybe trying to warn people to not be temped into doing what is not right. Zarathustra also says that some will make the right choice to make morally good choices, but others need to be guided to make the right choice (evils souls). Zarathustra also preaches about the greatness of "Righteous ever" which is probably heaven, hoping some people get motivated by that to make the right moral choice.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Comments For History Head

Nick <333333! The poster looks great! I really like the explanation of the internal and external pictures, really helps with the understanding of the poster. The one issue that I have is the timeline, perhaps there could have been more information on it, such as events that took place during the time period? Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia are very similar because they both lived off of fertile land with the rivers that surrounded them. They differed because religion played a huge role in Egypt, while Hammurabi codes were much more important in Mesopotamia. What important events took place during the ruling of Hammurabi? Love Mike Ackerman Tim!, whats up? I really like the pictures you used for your project, they really made sense and I was able to make the connections. The key was a little sloppy but it is not a big deal. Egypt is similar to Mesoamerica because of the structure of the social classes with rulers at the top. They differ because of the lack of migration the Egyptians had and also the products they made. I would also to have loved to know more about the rulers of the Mesoamericans. From Mike Ackerman

Poster for History Head Project

Thursday, September 6, 2012

First Test and Essay

Our past two days in this class have consisted of a seep entry multiple choice test and a long essay on six chapters of our textbook. I was worried at first about the test, but realized that worrying about the test wasn't going to do much good. I felt calm and relaxed as I took the test, and answered all the questions to the best of my ability.I would say that I was prepared for both, but, a little underprepared for the essay because I didn't know what to expect.i believe both went as I thought, not amazing but not terrible (much closer to terrible). It was what I expected from this class and that's just the way it is.