Thursday, November 15, 2012

Harun Post

This could be a mediocre post, because it does seem somewhat reliable but yet this can benefited and this can be easily manipulated and changed. This could fault the information on the website and change it. I have a question about his relationship with sister, it seems quite awkward and seems very shady also. He did become caliph and it would be interesting to see how he would function as a leader. Wikipedia definitely leaves more questions for me because it has very shady answers with little explanation. Harun sparked such imagination since not much was actually factual about, so some room for imagination and interpretation was left. His fame came because he was the real life Aladdin, he filled the timeframe and you could say that it is based off him. The Wikipedia page adds to serve to it by explaining a thousand nights and how he relates to it.

1 comment:

  1. Your syntax in this post is sketchy! Try reading it aloud to see if you can hear what you are writing, as it doesn't come across as very articulate...
