Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Similarities/differences between Islamic empires, Ming/Qing China and Tokugawa Japan

All for these empires are similar in their view on trade. They all looked inward and viewed long distance trade as more of a luxury than a necessity. They differed in the fact of the Islamic empires gave women a somewhat key role as compared the Asian empires where women were viewed as property to men and had almost no rights whatsoever.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Opinion in placing them together

I believe that the book puts these three groups together because of how much they share in common. All of them share the same exports and all somewhat have same views on religions. These were probably grouped together because they also are three rising empires and this will help to see the rise and fall of numerous empires at the same time.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Fabian Fucan's attack on Christianity

Immediately in the reading, he tells how much he out into the teachings of Christianity and how angry he was when he realizes that it is "a perverse and cursed faith". For him there is a lot of anger because of lost time he spent diligently study Christianity for twenty years.he refers to Christians as barbarians and claims that Christianity is on a crooked path. He refers to Christianity. Numerous times as foolish and being a cursed face and he says this in a very angry tone because he does not want others to make the same mistake he did. He also says he is going to print teachings on his advice and views on Christianity. Socially printing his views could spread across all of Japan and lead many common people to question Christianity, a faith instituted by people on the other side of the world.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Quianlong POV

The reason Quianlong writes his letter in a condescending tone. This is because he has been blind to reality and feels nobody else is the son of God, and this puts no filter on what he says to anyone because he has never had to suffer consequences.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

History having predictive values

History does have predictive values because on my blog, I predicted correctly in what was going to happen both in their society and economy and foreign relations. Amit also predicted correctly on their economy looking rather inward than trading outward with other societies. We were both able to make predictions by looking at both the past and guessing what would be the most reasonable thing. Through forming a educated type guess we were both able to make reasonable predictions that were correct.

Upcoming Socities

I believe that upcoming, societies will be very patriarchal and will be very focused on their own societies before they go out and be social with others. I believe this is when China will try to isolate themselves and their culture as much as possible from the outside world and focus on traditional values.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


The title of my game is messed up and I can't change it, the question is the Important travelers/ conquistadors from 21-26 name them all.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

homework march 5th

first chart- the first chart shows a steady growth in population from 1500-1800. There is nothing really surprising about this chart because a steady food source and supply is what most likely lead to the population jump over the years.

second chart- the chart shows a rapid growth of slaves in a matter of 200 years. yet this is not surprising because most of the european colonies were starting to grow cash crops and needed people to do the heavy labor at a cheap price.

third chart- the third chart shows the amount of slaves in european colonized areas. this chart is not surprising because most slaves were sent to areas where cash crops where they needed people to the heavy labor, as opposed to the north where fur trading was much more common.

all of these do a good job because they help explain how rapid growth colonization caused. with a steady food source and good income, population will grow and so will the economy. this does help me expand in the understanding of the textbook because it provides a visual which the textbook does not give. These visuals are important because they help explain the larger idea of colonization and how rapid it truly was.