Tuesday, April 30, 2013

1112 Source from the Past

Nkrumah's call for African unity rather than fragmentation reflect the tensions between decolonization and the ongoing cold war because if separate African countries declare independence than that is going to cause huge tensions between all of the small broken countries in Africa, instead of standing as one. Also he speaks upon the fact that the United States and Russia are wasting each others money building up stockpiles of nuclear weapons that most likely will never be used.To be great county does not involve weapons, rather deep rooted faith in each other and will emerge as one. Also he says Africa's power will not be built on fear like communist countries rather in hope, trust and friendship. If all of Africa tries to separate themselves from each other they will never ever be able to successfully stand as a great power and achieve the goal of political union and peace.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Reading last night

The reading from last night filled out my ideas for the explanation I did in class yesterday. My drawings represented larger ideas of the war and the coalition of countries. The idea of the domination of the war the untied states had I depicted in my cartoon. I drew the United States intervening ad trying to make peace after the war and trying to help rebuild most of Europe's economy.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Changes/ continuity per and post WWI

Amit Patel, Shams Shaikh, Gabe Arcaro, Ronak Patel, Mike Ackerman, Tim Sunnerberg
Change over time Before and After World War I

The major world powers remain world powers after the war
Because the major powers won the war
European colonial superiority remained:
The colonial superior powers won the war so they remained superior
France and Britain remained colonial in Africa

Europe and many other parts of the world (middle east) split up:
The losing countries fell to nationalism and were split up by the winning countries
Treaty of Versailles split up Austrio-Hungary
Map shows new countries and borders

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Similarities/differences between Islamic empires, Ming/Qing China and Tokugawa Japan

All for these empires are similar in their view on trade. They all looked inward and viewed long distance trade as more of a luxury than a necessity. They differed in the fact of the Islamic empires gave women a somewhat key role as compared the Asian empires where women were viewed as property to men and had almost no rights whatsoever.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Opinion in placing them together

I believe that the book puts these three groups together because of how much they share in common. All of them share the same exports and all somewhat have same views on religions. These were probably grouped together because they also are three rising empires and this will help to see the rise and fall of numerous empires at the same time.